Since Heredis 2020, the software checks the integrity of the file at each conversion.
So when you upgrade to a new version of Heredis or install a patch, the software checks the database (the file) for obvious structural anomalies. When anomalies are detected, you will see this message "Error 1409 - File cannot be opened".
Heredis contains a file verification and correction function that will allow you to solve this problem.
Open the software on its home page. Click on the cogwheel next to your file's name and then on Check the file :
Select your file and click Open.
If the file is damaged, a window will invite you to repair it. Click on Yes.
The software will then launch the verification, correction and conversion of your file. Once the steps are completed, your file will open in Heredis.
It is very important to let the process go through to the end, even if it can be long. An interruption of the process can lead to a significant loss of data.
The structural integrity of the database is of paramount importance. The earlier it is detected, the better the chances of restoring a healthy database.
In a database, elements are linked together. A function calls an element and then modifies it. Another function will call the same element and add the modifications relative to its object and so on. So if an element fails, all the data entered on it is likely to be corrupted, sometimes to an irremediable point.
It is therefore very important not to ignore this error message by choosing, for example, to remain on an earlier version of the software: all the data entered in the file may become unusable.
In most cases, restoration does not result in any or very little loss of data.